Shortly before your period arrives, your levels of the hormone progesterone increase as your body prepares for a fertilized egg. While in most of your monthly cycles, the fertilized egg isn’t going to appear to necessitate this increase in progesterone, you may still suffer the effects of the increase on your body, which go beyond uterine preparation. Among other symptoms, this monthly spike in progesterone can cause constipation. Constipation is one of the most common symptoms of PMS, yet many women don’t realize it. If you regularly get constipated, take note to see if your constipation happens around the same time in your cycle every month. Constipation, whether related to PMS symptoms or not, can often be alleviated naturally by exercising, eating right, getting enough fiber, and maintaining healthy hydration levels. You may also want to explore other ways to balance hormones and eliminate the discomfort of constipation by talking with a hormone specialist.Read more…
Weight gain is a complex issue that can stem from various factors, including diet, lifestyle, and genetic predisposition. However, one often overlooked aspect of weight management is the role of […]
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